Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sneaky Corn

    I think it's pretty unanimous that people want to die at an old age and of natural causes. But, years of not knowing how to eat catches up with us first. No, drinking two soft drinks at a bbq one day is not going to kill you, but, yes, having a two sodas per day habit for 10, 15, 20 years, will. People who drink 2 or more soft drinks per day have an 87% increase in risk of developing pancreatic cancer, which has a mortality rate of 80% in one year, and 96% after 5 years. Diabetes, kidney failure, and cancer are some more that have ridiculous correlation to soda and other manufactured foods. These are 3 things, by the way, that you DO NOT want to have. I see the effects they cause every day at work, and wouldn't wish it upon anyone.
One-third of Americans will have Diabetes by 2050... and it's already the 7th leading cause of death in this country- which- the leading 3 (heart disease, cancer and stroke), share coincidentally similar stories when it comes to diet.
^  Here are 8 reasons why people drink soda, and 16 reasons they shouldn't.
^  The Corn Refiners Association is asking the FDA to change the name of high-fructose corn syrup to corn sugar.. an "image make-over". Way to church it up CRA!

To be fair, it's not like corn is a stand alone culprit, but it's pretty sneaky and worth being aware of.

    Candy, soda, chips, crackers, yogurt, juice, cereal, bread, canned or frozen fruits and vegetables, condiments, cough syrup, cottage cheese, pasta sauce, soups, hamburger, bacon, lunch meat... Corn is in all these products- and so many more. How? As a starch, filler or sweetener. Why? Because it's cheap. What's the problem? We're not cows. We're not pigs or chickens or any other farm animal. Our purpose in life is not to fatten up and die at a premature age. Although, that sounds pretty familiar, does it not?

     I think a brainless analogy to follow, in regards to deciding what to eat, is too look at nature. If you eat a cows diet, you will surely gain the attributes of a cow (and that includes cow's milk). Eat like a turtle- right from the earth, and you ought to live long. Eat like a bird and your metabolism will go up. You need to put on healthy weight? Eat fish and nuts- bears have had this down-packed for years.
   No sense in thinking too hard into diet, when there's a blueprint right in front of us.

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